Saturday, August 28, 2010

Christmas and God's Gifts to Parents

It felt like Christmas today....I got home from a big event to promote my home business and found a gift from my company in the mailbox...a beautiful watch:) Thinking about how getting a little surprise can put a smile on my face and a giggle in my heart, I starting thinking about how excited my kids always were on Christmas morning....the anticipation, the Christmas lists that kept changing as they saw new toys and gadgets during the holiday season. Often we hear that Christmas is for the children, but for me, Christmas is the gift of children.

When our children are small, Christmas is watching their faces light up as they rip through the paper and bows, unwrapping surprises and desires, but when they grow up and have lives of their own, Christmas seems to be a time to remember and count your blessings. Those precious gifts who once had the wide-eyed wonder on Christmas morning sometimes face problems that can take the joy out of a joyous season.

That was the case a few years ago on Christmas morning when I wrote to my husband in my journal......."as for today my love, Merry Christmas. I am so happy to be here with you, so happy to have you in my life and so happy that God has blessed me with you and our family. At the same time I am sad that life happens so fast that sometimes we don't have the chance to enjoy the present before it becomes the past. It also saddens me that things are not perfect in the lives of our children, but I keep reminding myself that we are not in control and we have to leave it in the hands of the One who created them. That is not an easy task for a mother who's heartstrings stay attached long after the apron strings have been severed. So I will trust that there is a purpose for the trials in our children's lives and feel blessed that God has entrusted us with healthy, intelligent gifts and He is not finished with them yet".

As I write this post, I can't remember what was happening at that time. Evidently the trial passed, something was learned and joy returned to us all. I have been truly blessed~~~~~~~

Merry Christmas to me!

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